benefits of doggy daycare and boarding

benefits of doggy daycare and boarding

5 Things Your Pet Needs for Boarding

Eva Davidson

Are you leaving your pets with a pet day care and boarding facility while you hit the road? If so, you are probably scrambling around trying to gather all your most important pet supplies to ensure that Fido or Fluffy has everything he or she needs during the stay. Pay attention to these five items, which are crucial when you are leaving your dog or cat in a boarding facility—your pet will thank you for packing them.

1. Bedding or a Blanket

A familiar bed or blanket (depending on how much space your boarding facility offers) can provide solace for your pet. The smells of your house in even a simple item offer a sense of comfort, a reminder of home. Just make sure to write your dog's name on the tag to ensure it doesn't get lost in the shuffle.

2. Medication

If your pet has health issues that require medication, you can leave them with your boarder as well. If the medication requires special instructions, have a vet provide them. The meds also need to be labeled if they require refrigeration or some other special treatment. Keep in mind that many boarding facilities will not administer injectable medications. Make sure to check with your boarding facility to ensure that they will administer the medications your pet needs.

3. Proof of Vaccinations

Your pup will require a C5 vaccination to protect against kennel cough. Cats and dogs may both require rabies vaccinations. Contact your facility ahead of time to learn more about the required vaccinations for that particular boarding place.

4. Worming and Flea Treatments

Ensure that your pet has had worming and flea medications that are up to date. While your boarding facility may not ask you to do this, it is in the best interest of your pet to do so. Dealing with the aftermath of worms and fleas is much worse than providing a simple treatment ahead of time, before the animal interacts with others that might be affected.

5. Food

Your pet is likely to have fewer stomach issues if they don't have changes in their diet. Take a bag or cans of your pet's favorite dry or wet food and ask your boarding facility if you need to bring along your own dishes as well. The fewer changes for your pet, the better.

Now that you know what your pet needs, it is time to pack up. Ensuring that you have taken care of your pet before you heat out on vacation leaves you feeling peaceful with your decision to board. For more info about dog or cat day care, find a local facility that meets your  and your pet's needs.


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benefits of doggy daycare and boarding

Have you recently started a job that requires you to travel a lot? Do you have a canine companion that misses you while you are gone? Sure, you can have someone you trust stop in your home a few times each day to feed, water and walk your dog, but is that really enough attention for your buddy while you are gone? Maybe it is time for you to look into a doggy daycare and boarding facility for your dog. Learn how this type of facility improved the relationship that I have with my dog and how he has benefited from such a service.
