benefits of doggy daycare and boarding

benefits of doggy daycare and boarding

Sign Your Pet Up For A Day Camp Program

Eva Davidson

A dog day camp program offers enrichment activities, sensory experiences, and plenty of one-on-time with a trained caregiver. Learn how this type of program is run. Then, schedule some camp timeslots that coincide with your schedule.

Full And Partial Day Programs

First, research the full and partial-day programs that a facility offers. Each program will highlight the activities, rest sessions, feeding sessions, and guided lessons that are offered. Some programs may be designed specifically for certain breeds and ages.

If you have an older pet, learn about the camp programs that are offered to senior pets. Some camp sessions may be more intimate in size, allowing older or shy pets to spend time socializing with other dogs, but ensuring that pets do not become overstimulated. 


Dog camp facility owners often recruit new clients by offering them specials. Specials may include introductory sessions that are featured for discounted prices.

Check out what types of specials are offered at the place of business where you will be bringing your dog to. You may want to take advantage of a camp package that will provide several care sessions for a special discounted price.

Unique Services

A day camp facility may advertise birthday parties, grooming sessions, and training sessions that a pet owner can sign their pet up for. Birthday parties are group activities that encourage socialization, plus allow a pet to be pampered during the day. The dogs may share special snacks and activities that aren't provided during normal camp sessions.

Grooming sessions will include bathing, combing, and styling a pet's fur. A groomer will collaborate with a pet owner first. The groomer will learn about a pet's temperament and the grooming services that are of interest.

Training sessions are suited for the busy pet owner who hasn't had the ability to teach their pet a lot of commands. A trainer will provide a pet with affirmations and guidance throughout each training session.

If any of the unique services appeal to you, request more information about them when you meet with a caregiver for the first time.

Your Pet's Schedule

Sign your pet up for camp during the hours when you will be working or spending time outside of your home running errands. Your care provider will furnish you with a schedule that your pet will follow on each day of camp.

Post this schedule on your refrigerator. By doing so, you can glance at the schedule each day when you will be packing all of the items that your dog needs for camp.


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About Me
benefits of doggy daycare and boarding

Have you recently started a job that requires you to travel a lot? Do you have a canine companion that misses you while you are gone? Sure, you can have someone you trust stop in your home a few times each day to feed, water and walk your dog, but is that really enough attention for your buddy while you are gone? Maybe it is time for you to look into a doggy daycare and boarding facility for your dog. Learn how this type of facility improved the relationship that I have with my dog and how he has benefited from such a service.
