benefits of doggy daycare and boarding

benefits of doggy daycare and boarding

Planning A Move To A Warm Climate? 3 Reasons To Get Your Dog Groomed Before The Move

Eva Davidson

Keeping your dog comfortable during a move and once you arrive at your new home can be a challenge, especially if they are a breed that has a long coat. While you can certainly make the move comfortable by providing them with fresh water and a good place to sit in the car during the drive, you need to also consider the challenges that having a longer coat can come with when it's warm on your route or at your destination.

Before leaving for your trip, consider visiting a groomer so that you'll be able to get the help below.

Get Excess Hair Removed

One of the best reasons for your dog to get groomed by a professional before the date of your move arrives is because they might have a lot of excess hair that needs to be removed. While you can certainly brush your dog before the move, this can take some time and you may not be able to remove the bulk of the hair with your own grooming tools.

A professional groomer can use a shedding brush and spend the time necessary to remove a lot of the hair that your dog needs brushed out.

Pick Out a Heat-Friendly Haircut

When your dog has a longer coat, it's likely that they're no stranger to getting haircuts done. In order for your dog to be comfortable with the drive and at your new home, you should look into getting a haircut for them that will be comfortable in the heat. Whether you like the look of a lion cut or you simply want everything trimmed short, a groomer can help you achieve the look you want for your dog and provide advice on maintaining their coat in the heat.

Less Grooming Needed Later

After arriving at your new home, the last thing you'll want to be doing is rushing around getting various services taken care of since you'll be unpacking and dealing with the new experiences of your move. By getting grooming done beforehand, you can even get services such as nail trimming taken care of. This will ensure that you won't need to get grooming done once you arrive at your new home.

As you look into what benefits a professional groomer can provide when booked before the move, you'll be able to get the help your dog needs to be comfortable when it's warm outside and your move is quickly arriving. 


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About Me
benefits of doggy daycare and boarding

Have you recently started a job that requires you to travel a lot? Do you have a canine companion that misses you while you are gone? Sure, you can have someone you trust stop in your home a few times each day to feed, water and walk your dog, but is that really enough attention for your buddy while you are gone? Maybe it is time for you to look into a doggy daycare and boarding facility for your dog. Learn how this type of facility improved the relationship that I have with my dog and how he has benefited from such a service.
